Sunday, June 21, 2015

Create Sunburst chart in Excel

Create Sunburst Chart in Excel using Doughnut

Steps to create

  1. Download the template  link
  2. Make sure data is sorted
  3. Click on prepare data button
  4. Choose the level from the drop -down
  5. Select the chart to activate the mouse over effect

The chart is created using Doughnut chart and each level is added as a series in it. The macro is used to prepare the chart data and add the series to charts dynamically as per the selected level. You can add further levels in the chart all you need to do is create the sheets like level 1, level 2 ,etc which are already existing in the template and make the changes in the code as per the requirement

With Color Formatting 

Download Link

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I want to advise you to the website templates. Here is a link There you'll find some you like. I hope someone can help.


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