Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Display Message Box in VBA

Here are some examples for how to add or display message box in vba

Sub messgaebox1()
' message you want to display , type of message box , title of message box
MsgBox "12 Rows Deleted", vbInformation, "Task"

End Sub

Sub messgaebox2()
Dim swa As String

swa = MsgBox("Do You Want to Continue", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Choose Your Option")

If swa = vbYes Then

MsgBox "You selected Yes", vbInformation, "Answer"


MsgBox "You selected No", vbInformation, "Answer"
End If

End Sub

Sub messgaebox3()
Dim swa As String

swa = MsgBox("Do You Want to Continue", vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Choose Your Option")

If swa = vbOK Then

MsgBox "You selected ok", vbInformation, "Answer"


Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

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